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rindu mereka

salam sumee..
pe kaba??
baek ka??
harap2 sehat la yee..
ehee :)

da bpe ari ek aq xberblogging nih..??
mesti kowunk windu an..
**hee..prasan..,tah ade tah x yg bace blog aq nih
ape pown..,
suke haty la nk kate ape pown
blog aq an..
kowunk ssh pe..
ni luahan haty aq semate2
xde kaitan yg idop maw pown yg da mati
cm da lari tajuk je
wutever la an..
lokasi: kfc the store banting
tyme: 11am
date: 20dec2009
objektif: 1- rindu nk jumpa kawan kawan lama
2- discuss 4 our nex reunion

kami lepak2 kt kfc uh ade la lam 4jam lebeyh gak


xde kije..

sampai owg kfc uh pown da pndang2

lam aty dorg sume bile la bdk2 nih nk blah :)


suke haty ktorg la bile nk blah an.

kami byr tax laa..

ehee :)


tibe2 nk emo lak an..


pe pown mmg best jumpa kowunk tyme nih..

tiqa maken cumel..

amin stil maintain gn sifat pendiam nyerr sejak skul rndah lg..

azim maseh same mcm dl..kecoh glerr..

fairuz maken kacak! ahaa..

aini maseh same,cume skrg da baek ckit da xgarang cm dl.,bak kate azim la..hehehee

noraini stil kecoh juga :)

suhana maken lawa

eare pown :)

anis same gak cm azim kecoh..

aq maken chubby,.ahaa :)

kowunk mmg sporting la beb!!

hope our nex reunion berjalan gn lancar la keyh :)

thanks for reading, don't forget to click LIKE and leave your comment.okeyh ! =)

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